Jon Santos, Design & Direction
Liz Zamudio, Producer
Monica Hofstadter, Producer
This video presentation was created for Heidi Lee who won the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute’s Accessory Design Award 2012. H E I D I L E E “Karakasa Obake” Fashion Film Directed by Common Space Studio. 3D Animation by Tabor Robak. 2D Animation by Johnny Lee. Music by Prefuse 73 “Choking You,” courtesy of the artist.
Karakasa Obake (唐傘お化け) are a type of Tsukumogami, a folk legend about a form of Japanese spirit that originate from objects reaching their 100th year of existence, thus becoming animate. Karakasa in particular are Spirits of Parasols (umbrellas) that reach the century milestone.
H E I D I L E E » Recipient of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute’s Accessory Design Award.