Xapiri Ground
High up in the Andes, in the Peruvian city of Cusco, is Xapiri Ground, a non-profit organisation that promotes the art and culture of Peru's indigenous Amazonians. Its discreet shopfront hides a trove of treasures, including intricately patterned clay animals and jars by Shipibo-Konibo women and the vibrant geometric textiles of the Iskonawa people. Also on show are designs by artist Emily Urquía Sebastián, inspired by the Yine community's traditional body art. All monies from sales are reinvested into the creation of more art and on-the-ground projects that facilitate sustainable economies. According to Melanie Dizon, creative director of Xapiri Ground: "The essence of Amazonian indigenous art is born from mythopoesis, storytelling and song, expressed through each culture's iconography, techniques, colours and materials, most of which stem from the natural environment that surrounds and sustains their life."